Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A California Primer

Joe Kady's yard is special. He's located at the top of a ridge in Hayward, California. 

In the front yard he can look out to see San Francisco on the distant horizon.   In the back yard he can see a steep tree-covered slope with a stream at the bottom and he can hear the gobbling of wild turkies. 

This wild turkey was a solo act. I suspect he was looking for the delectable veggies he found and a few females. Several females passed through later in the evening, but Wild Turkey was long gone. What's so different in the animal world?

Pt. Lobos, on the Monterrey coast of Northern California, has attracted me for over fifty years. Despite the popularity of the park, it has remained a magical place throughout time. You will be seeing more of Pt. Lobos in the near future.

This ridge top road leads to Trail's End, cousin Linda and Mike's Carmel Valley ranch. Not  long ago the top of the ridge erupted in mustard yellow. A lovely road to walk or ride. 

At MidPines, in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains, my eldest son, Christopher, has fashioned a lifestyle for his family that encompasses manzanita, pines, and wild flowers. The aesthetic is humbly simple, colorful, and tactile. There are many more views of this ranch land to show you.

Recent fires, drought, and beetles have taken a toll at Chris' ranch lately. He lost the pines at the top of his hill. Still the manzanita must be managed and the grasses cut in order to deplete potential fuel for fire.

The Catalpa Tree, below, is a new planting to replace the lost pines. Several trees have been planted for shade and fruits.

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