Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Crack in the Egg

Several years ago I worked on a series of photo collages as explorations united by a common theme: the Universal Egg. I was searching for the crack in the egg.

Dream Maker One

The ancient Upanishads refer to the Universal Egg as "the Soul of the Universe", or "the Golden Womb" and "Brahman". My interest lies in the essence of the thing.

Today I'm curious about Home as a metaphoric womb, especially as it relates to personal creativity.

The Entry Way

Earthy Mexican tiles, red door, aqua-green walls, brown door mat, doorstep and leaves; all elements at the entry to the egg of my home. Here is where I begin to feel colors pressing into my mood and my step. It is a measure of our attachment, the house and me.

On most days I carry a little Kodak digital camera with me with the intent to document those scenes that bring me various pleasures. I find many of those scenes right around the place I call home.

Saint Asparagus

When I do comply with the urge to compose, I pull out my little Kodak and together we discover and reflect on what we really appreciate around home. 

Unlikely Couple

You are your things, they say. Whatever could they mean? 

I puzzled on that one until I decided to photo record those things of mine that brought delight.  I decided to record them WHEN that delight was burning most strongly within. Praises to the easy Kodak.

Florida Q-Tips

Things from my table-top-studio suggesting I am my Q-Tips, I am my things. 

Table Top Home Studio

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