Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Phallic Traffic Boys

I like them. I call them traffic boys

Most of the phallic posts I've seen signal the edge of the road where people seek to control vehicular movement; some traffic boys guide the movement of people through gates. Traffic boys were selected as a photographic theme during our last European vacation in September of last year.

These integrated traffic boys are working at a crosswalk in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France.

I found this stone boy guarding the edge of a WW I monument in Florac, France.
The stone traffic boy seems to be keeping company with the artillery shell.

This cylindrical stone traffic boy guards the walk in Amsterdam's commercial district.
A XXX traffic boy appears on my January 23rd posting.

This handsome fellow sports the official croc and palm tree crest of Nimes, France.

The phallus falls apart in Bergen, Norway where a blue ceramic ball marks the edge of the town square.


Unknown said...

Where are the traffic girls?
Maybe inviting archways????

Unknown said...

In the OLD days, they were hitching posts.