Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Two Day Birthday Party

Don't let anybody tell you a two day birthday isn't possible. 
I had one this year. Or is it two?

To celebrate my full 69  years, we started at the Marie Selby Botanical Garden here in Sarasota. Naturally, the Orchid house with its glass roof and rain forest moist air was the prime site for our seeing.

Pam and Adrian quickly got lost amongst the orchids and ferns.
It's that kind of a place: full of jaw dropping visions.

The Orchid house is lot like the world in microcosm.
Many a pretty face to distract the casual observer.
Here is a pretty face with a deadly grin.
Glad I'm not a fly.

These guys are playing coy and looking a lot like the bi-racial world we live in.

Pam and Adrian.
Perfect companions for a birthday celebration.
 Perfect companions for an old man,
whose real age is 44  years
according to Facebook.

Counting my blessings. Day one of another fine birthday.

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